People are drawn to camping for so many reasons. Some want to reconnect with nature, some want to escape the city crowds, and others just love the idea of sleeping underneath the stars. For whatever reason you are a fan of camping, you have to agree that one of the best parts of spending a few days in the wilderness is the food.
Meals that are prepared outside in the middle of nowhere are always more delicious than the same ones we cook at home, despite limited grocery options and a lack of cooking gear. If by any chance all of your camping trips involved roasting cheap hot dogs on sticks, here are a couple of tips that will definitely improve your cooking and help you serve tasty meals to your friends and family.
Camp Cooking Hacks
A quick view through a few best Cooking Hacks for Camping :
1. Plan your meals
2. Test your camp stove before the trip
3. Freeze your meat
4. Aluminum foil is your best friend
5. Do all the chopping at home
6. Squeeze bottles keep your utensils clean

Image Source: Unsplash
1. Plan your meals
Before you go on a camping trip you need to make another trip – to the supermarket. However, before you do any of that, you need to plan your meals so you would know exactly what to buy. Putting random things in your shopping cart and then trying to figure out how to make a decent meal out of them at the campsite is not a great idea. Instead, get a bunch of zip-lock bags and pack items needed for each meal together.
2. Test your camp stove before the trip

Finally arriving at your destination with a bunch of hungry people and discovering that your camp stove is out of order is a recipe for a disaster. Therefore, make sure that your stove is completely clean, that the propane tanks are full and that everything is working properly before you leave. If you still don’t own a camp stove and you are looking for a quality one, check here. Gearweare offers a list of the best stoves that you can currently find on the market, so be sure to check it out.
3. Freeze your meat
Instead of bringing pounds of fresh meat with you, make sure to freeze the most of it before you hit the road. Not only will the frozen meat keep the temperature down in your cooler, but you will keep it from going bad. Therefore, you won’t have to eat everything you brought on the very first day and you will be able to prepare delicious meals with meat for days to come.
4. Aluminum foil is your best friend
When it comes to cooking in the wilderness, aluminum foil can be a lifesaver. Not only will it keep your food warm and keep it protected from those nasty bugs, but you can also wrap your potatoes or meat with it, throw it into the open fire and prepare a feast with no effort at all.
5. Do all the chopping at home

Cooking itself is not that complicated, it’s the preparations that tend to be a pain. You cannot wash your knives every minute, there is not enough space for chopping and you feel like the bugs are going to eat your food before you even manage to cook it. Therefore, do all the preparation beforehand and put chopped meat and vegetables in plastic bags. Not only is this trick a huge time saver, but it will also help you avoid making a huge mess at camp.
6. Squeeze bottles keep your utensils clean
We all know that washing a ton of dishes is never fun, and it is even more annoying on a camping trip. Therefore, put everything you can from pancake batter, condiments, dressings, oils, and scrambled eggs into squeeze bottles (or disposable water bottles) and cooking will become much easier.
With these fun tips and tricks, you will easily become a wiz in your outdoor kitchen and surprise your loved ones with delicious meals without going through any trouble at all.