If you couldn’t find some awesome summer hiking tips, you’re in the right place. Hiking in the summer can be as dangerous as it can be exciting. Although hiking in the hot weather is an amazing feeling, it may also be harmful to your health. Because of climate changes, the sun’s rays are three times more powerful than before. Exposure to the sun while hiking can cause some serious damage.
That’s why you need to stay at the top of your hiking game to avoid any complications you might encounter while hiking in the summer heat. Here are some awesome hiking tips you might find useful and pass them along to your friends to stay safe.

Always have the right gear and clothes for hiking
To make sure you have the proper attire, follow these tips. It’s very important to have the right equipment and attire to help you get through the heat and fatigue. Here are some summer hiking clothing hacks:
Wear Open Vent Shirts
Make sure you wear clothes with open vents that will make the airflow through your body to keep you cool.
If you’re looking for the best hiking shirts for hot weather, you’ll want to look for shirts that have an open-vent design. This type of shirt allows air to circulate more freely around your body, helping you stay cooler and more comfortable in warm weather. Additionally, open-vent shirts are often made from lightweight fabrics that wick sweat away from your skin, further helping to keep you cool and dry.
Always Wear A Sun Hat
Never go hiking during summer without a hat. It will protect the skin on your head and face. Also, I will keep your head cool. Go for a hat with a wide brim for more coverage.
Avoid Wearing Cotton Socks
Cotton is great for locking the temperature in. Your feet will be soaking wet when you go hiking in the summer because of the heat. That’s why you need wool or synthetic socks.
Cover Your Body
It might sound strange but wearing more clothes during the hot weather while hiking is a great idea. That’s why Bedouins and people that live in the desert are covered from head to toe with clothes. Clothes can protect us from harmful UV rays. This is very important for people with sensitive skin.
Go for UPF-Rated Clothing
Wearing clothes that will protect you from the dangerous sun rays can save your life in the long run. Look for clothes that are specially designed to deflate UPF rays.
Protect Your Neck
You should wear something around your neck like a light scarf or a bandana to keep your neck and the back of your neck covered and cool. There are special polymer-crystal neck scarves that are designed to keep the moisture in for longer periods of time.
Avoid Wearing Dark Clothes
Wearing lighter colors will reflect the sun’s rays. Whereas, dark clothes absorb them.
Health Risks
There are some health risks involved in hiking in the summer. All of them could be avoided if you are more careful.
Sun rays are damaging to your skin. Even though you might hike in the forest, trees won’t protect you completely from the sun. Clothes are great for protection but always wear sunscreen. This is essential when it comes to hiking in the summer.
You have to have fuel to go hiking. That’s why your body needs water to sustain a normal temperature while it does the hard work. Water is extremely important for hiking in the summer.
There is a condition that is the opposite of dehydration. This happens rarely but if you drink too much water you can get overhydrated. This condition is also called hyponatremia. Sodium levels in your bloodstream can get diluted and cell function can become impaired. This condition might even lead to death.
Heat Exhaustion:
Your body goes through a lot of stress in the summer. This condition comes along with these symptoms of heavy sweating, faintness, rapid pulse, dehydration, nausea, headache, fatigue, dizziness, etc.
Heat Stroke:
This occurs when the temperature of your body skyrocket. This is a serious condition that can happen very fast and will require medical attention right away. If you are experiencing these symptoms or somebody else is please seek medical attention immediately.
- Dizziness
- A headache
- Anxiety
- Disorientation
- Temperature over 103-degrees-Fahrenheit or even higher
- Confusion
Things to consider while hiking
Where and When to Hike
It’s very important to know where and when to hike during the summer. It’s best to hike from around noon to 4 pm. If the temperatures are very high on some days, it’s best to avoid hiking.
Avoid Scorching Heat
If you want to completely avoid the scorching heat, you can go hiking at night. Hiking on those amazing summer nights can be enchanting and inspirational.
Hike in The Shade
Look for a trail that is completely covered by trees. It’s always best to hike in the shade rather than to be exposed to the sun.
Hike Near Water
If you can’t find a trail in the shade, opt for hiking near the water. If you’re in an area with a lake or a river, try hiking near it. Temperatures near water are always better. Also, you can refresh yourself along the way.
Summer Hiking Essentials

Here is a full list of essentials you always have to carry with you when you go hiking in the summer:
Carry Enough Water
Always carry a water bottle with you because you need to stay hydrated to withstand the heat. If you are planning for a long trail, try to carry more water in the best hydration pack for hiking.
A Reliable Rucksack
There are special kinds of rucksacks designed for hiking. They contain pockets that will store everything that you need.
A Perfect Fit Hiking Boot
Make sure your feet are protected from venomous plants, insects, or animals. Also, your boots need to secure airflow to your feet during the summertime.
Sunglasses for Protection
Your eyes also need protection. The sun’s powerful sun rays can damage your eyesight. Always protect your eyes.
Hiking GPS Tracker
Never go hiking without the best hiking GPS tracker for proper navigation. Forest can be confusing and when you know it, you find yourself lost in the forest labyrinth. Learn more here to know about compass learning.
Swiss Army Knife or Multi-tools
Carry a multi-tools like a Swiss Army knife and you will never be helpless again. This best multi-tools for backpacking is versatile and can be useful in many situations.
Insect Repellent
The summer brings a lot of sunshine but also a lot of insects with it. That’s why you need to carry an insect repellent with you.
This is essential if you go hiking at night. Flashlights can be a useful tool to scare away nocturnal animals and help you find things in the dark.
Reliable First Aid Kit
Accidents or small injuries should not stop your hiking trail in between. Always, carry a reliable first aid kit with minimum basic requirements to solve any emergency situations. You can easily prepare a first aid kit with the required items or buy a reputable pre-packed kit from the store.
Travel Camera
Always, your hiking memories should be supported with great pictures. So, don’t hesitate to carry a travel digital camera to cover your awesome experience with nature. Include an affordable camera in your packing list.
Sleeping Pad/Mat
Sleeping Mattresses are one of the essential items on your gear list. Like the way you go hiking through tough terrains, taking a rest or sit camping mats will be helpful.
Pros Vs. Cons of hiking in the summer
The best thing about hiking in the summer is that you can never be left hiking in bad weather. Rain during the summer is a rare thing and can be predicted. In the autumn or winter, the weather can be rather unpredictable. Another good thing is that our moods are lifted when the sun is up. The sun will give you more energy to go further.
On the other hand, hiking in the summer can be dangerous. The sun is as good as it is bad. Not everybody can stand the heat. Hiking in the scorching heat will make your body work twice as hard. In order to prepare yourself for hiking, you need to prepare your body and your mind for hiking.
Final Verdict
Hiking does wonders for your body. Not only does it’s purifying to the body, but it’s also purifying the soul and mind. The fresh air and forest are the greatest stress relievers there are. Be careful when you go hiking in the summertime and always be prepared.
Of course, hiking is one of the best exercises there are. You can go alone or you can make your hiking experience a group one by going hiking with your favorite people. You might even find some new friends along the way. Make sure you follow these hiking summer tips.